Thursday, June 21, 2012

Natural home eye makeup remover

For me, removing eye makeup is the most annoying-est (yes i make up words!) step!
I have yet to find a makeup remover where it carries out the job perfectly and doesn't irritate my eyes. So far eye makeup removers sting my eyes so much and doesn't even remove all the makeup. It still leaves mascara and eyeshadow residue. 
So i found out that olive oil is the most perfect eye make remover EVER!! like legit, its the best. Not only does it remove the makeup in one step, it also hydrates the eye area.
Olive oil contains so much healthy benefits for your skin, so for it to also work as a makeup remover and hydrate my skin, is so awesome!!
It is strong enough to remove waterproof mascara and normal mascara. It removes it so effortlessly and doesn't sting your eye at all!! 

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Decrease Hair Frizz

Its summer and hair becomes a lot frizzer and drier.
Frizzy hair, especially for me because i have curly hair, is super annoying!!
A quick easy at home tip to reduce frizz, is to not towel dry your hair. Don't rub it to get it dry it is a lot rougher onto your hair, and when your hair is wet its at a vulnerable state. Anything you do to it wet can affect it. 
So use a cotton t-shirt and wrap your hair in it while it is still soaking. Let the shirt soak up the water in your hair.
Cotton is a softer fabric and will not cause excessive frizz like a towel would. 
You will notice reduced frizziness and it will feel a lot smoother :) 

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Get Rid of Greasy Hair

Greasy Hair is just so yucky!
Some people experience it on a day to day basis depending on their hair type.
My hair type is think and curly so getting greasy hair takes a long time!
But a cool affordable way to remove greasy hair is by shaking on some baby powder. Baby powder is really inexpensive and does the job very well. It sucks out the visible oil, leaving cleaner looking hair. You can use dry shampoo to remove greasy hair but they are more expensive than baby powder. 

Monday, June 4, 2012

Removing Sparkly Nail Polish

Removing sparkly nail polish is such a pain! Takes way too long to take off and just becomes a huge mess. But its not like the hassle of removing it stops us from applying it! Its just so pretty!!
So a cool trick to remove sparkly nail polish off is soak up a cotton swab with nail polish remover and wrap around it tin foil. Have it soak in for about 5min on your nails then remove it all off. 
The sparkles and nail polish will come off very smoothly and clean, sometimes a little is left off so just scrub it with the cotton swab.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Get Rid of Dark Eyes

Dark eyes make everyone look like a walking racoon.
We get the darkness around the eyes due to a lack of sleep, lack of nutrition, stress and even genes.
To lessen the appearance of dark circles drink lots of water and have at least 7 hours of sleep. 
There is such thing of beauty sleep :) 
There are some easy at home spa treatments for treating dark circles.
Peel a potatoes and keep the skin, apply the skin onto your eye and let it rest for 15min. Do this everyday and it will nurture the eye with many vitamins and antioxidants our skin needs.
And if you don't want to use potato skin, cut up some slices of cucumbers and rest it on your eyes for 15min. There is a reason spas always put cucumbers on your eye, and that is because it has many vitamins and antioxidants that your skin needs.