We all have those habits we hate and can never get rid of. Some bite their nails, skip washing your face, not remove makeup etc
How can we fix out bad habits?? Well it takes 21 days to break any habit. Even smoking! Of course that's a large hard habit to break that would take motivation and will but its not impossible.
Don't attack the big things first, start with the small habits that are easier to tackle. This way it'll motivate you to continue breaking habits!
For example I had a bad habit of never flossing. I hated flossing it was yucky made me bleed, too much time and I just wasn't up for that every night.
So I began the 21 day cycle of breaking this habit. I really wanted to fix this and forced myself to stick to this plan. And now my brain has formed this task as a daily routine and now I floss my teeth everyday
When you perform tasks continuously your subconscious will realize oh I'm doing this alot let's keep that in check and continue this. Then you naturally without even thinking perform the task. The brain is truly fascinating!
I challenge you to take on a bad habit of yours and transform yourself in 21 days!
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